Hello out there! I hope you are all doing well and staying safe. We are busy busy here at the Center. We have a new show freshly hung, and we're getting ready for our 47th?! Yup 47th Art-A-Fest! I've Also got some upcoming treats for any history buffs out there. Let us begin with our the artist of our current exhibit.

Helen Hunter
Helen is a treasure! I'm pretty sure I'm speaking for both Emily and myself when I say we had a great time hanging the show and hanging out with her. Helen works in watercolor and her subject matter includes landscapes, animals, flowers, and her "most popular" Iowa barns.
We once again didn't get to do a full reception with all of our fantastic members and friends . (I know, I know I'm missing the cheese-ball too!) Hopefully we can all get together very soon. Helen was very kind to give us a virtual tour however and you can check it out HERE. You can also come and see her works in person here at the Arts Center throughout August.
